baby a : 2 months

2 months!

and just like that, austin is 2 months! and what a great month!
we are cooing so much more now! i’ve learned when and how to get the most of this guy’s little voice. he has to be completely full, diaper changed and propped up. sometimes he’ll coo up a storm on his back but more often than not he has to be propped up on the boppy!

wanna hear something amazing?? austin never spits up! that’s impossible you say?? but it’s not and it’s amazing! jaz used to spit up all the time so everything smelled like baby puke but not this guy! there was one night that he projectile vomited his bottle but that’s because i’m an idiot and let him down a full 4 oz bottle without stopping to burp him. doh! my bust! but even then it was right back up as soon as it went down and hadn’t even curdled yet so it doesn’t count!

how many moms are familiar with the 8 week growth spurt?? what a freaking doozy! literally happened overnight. he slept from 9 to 6 and i was like oh my god, i have the most perfect baby! that morning he woke up, ate, took a 20 minute nap, woke up was hungry again ate 2 more oz…took a 10 minute nap, woke up ATE AGAIN! THIS WAS THE WHOLE DAY FOR 4 DAYS! i’m almost positive he gained 3 pounds in just one week. cale and i had to google, “can i overfeed my infant” apparently you can’t so that’s good to know.
and because he wasn’t napping, he was sooooo fussy. however, he did let us sleep at night so THANK GOD! it was rough you guys but just like it started, he went back to his normal routine overnight.

i’ve tried to keep him on as much of a schedule as i can. not so much during the day but just in the morning and at night. morning time, he’ll wake up around 4:30 eat, burp, get a diaper change and go back to sleep till around 6 where he gets a little fussy. i’ll get him out of the bassinet and snuggle with him a bit. at 7 i’ll nurse him which usually won’t fill him up so then at 8 we supplement with a bottle. then its off to take jaz to school. at night i am trying to get him down when we put jaz to bed which is at 8 but that hasn’t really been working in my favor. so he’s usually down by 10 and won’t wake up till 4:30.

we had another sickness run through our home again and taking out both jaz and cale so we are really working on getting everyone healthy again. jaz seems to be back to normal so i’ve been letting her feed him and hold him as much as he will let her since she will be leaving next week for her summer break in texas. she won’t be back till august! get in as much baby snugs as possible!!!!

turning 2 months old comes with the icky first set of vaccinations…blegh! that happens later today so i will update you on how that went next month! i know austin will be a champ, it’s more me i’m worried about since i will be alone. 😦 i’ll probably cry. get it together mom!

it’s been another great month home with my boy! he is proving to be the most chill baby ever which, according to my mother-in-law, is just like his papa!

likes // still loves his baths, loves when women sing {men not so much}
dislikes // getting his hair brushed…but loves when i wash it, weird boy,
weighs // 12.3 pounds
length // not sure we will see at the doctors today! but he is in 3-6 month clothes sooooo
eye color // dark slate grey, still! yessss!
hair color // black brown
nicknames // mr.sweetface, a, duderz, bud, handsome
sleeping through the night? // kind of? 10-4:30
tummy time? // working on it! not his fave but he enjoys his mirror!

happy 2 months baby boy! 

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