Exciting news!

Hi everyone! I’m back!

well not entirely…womp womp!

I just wanted to jot a few lines down to share some exciting news about my personal life and the start of my own little side hustle!

most of you may not know, unless you follow me on Instagram (@jess_g_anderson) but I have decided {WITH GUSTO} to become a…


now let me preface WHY I did it with a few things.
I know what you’re doing right now, rolling your eyes, probably. because, yes, everyone AND THEIR MOM is an R7F Consultant {especially in the South} or is selling SOMETHING. Younique, jewelry, candles, Scentsy, toothpaste, Herbalife, I mean the list goes on and on right? and i bet your inbox has been flooded with “HEYYYY GIRLLLL how are you??? {insert fluff here} wanna buy some products from me??”

yes, I’ve been there. I’ve rolled my eyes too and have even vented about it to some friends {totally apologize for EVER doing that because now i know why they were so passionate} BUT i started to do some research and i attended a brunch where i learned a whole lot more about the company and the products.

I won’t get into definitions, flow charts and diagrams but R&F IS NOT a pyramid scheme. it’s not, do your research, believe me, I did mine, EXTENSIVELY to convince my husband to *allow* {ew i hate using that word} me to do it. and if you know my husband, you know he LOATHES anything relatively close to a pyramid schemes SO IT WAS A WIN FOR ME!

I decided that i needed a boost in my skin care regimen, mainly because, I DIDN’T HAVE ONE. i mean, if you count using Cetaphil in the shower and wet wash cloth at night to take off my make-up a regimen then OKAY i had one! i really wanted/needed something to help with my scarring from teenage and pregnancy acne so I was already interested in R&F before i attended the brunch, but listening to a friend talk about her business passionately and looking at her transformations, i was sold!

so long in the long, I wouldn’t have jumped on board with something i didn’t believe in. and i really, truly do believe in the products and the company. I’ve only been using the products for a little while now and i have already seen a difference. my lashes are growing, and y’all, I had BEBE lashes before, and in just two weeks they are hitting my lid, YES! and the regimen i chose was the REVERSE LIGHTENING WITH THE ACTIVE HYDRATION SERUM and yes. that’s all, just YES!

here is another great blog post written a lot better than all of my jibberish that y’all should read. 
The Sometimes Single Mom – Stop & Read: The Scam That Is Rodan & Fields

that said, I won’t blow up your inbox or feed with promotions and/or pictures. I’ll post occasionally if a really good deal is happening or if a customer has some impressive transformations, or MY transformations even.
Don’t get annoyed, just keep scrolling.

-Not sure where to even start on choosing a skin care regimen?
Use my < SOLUTION TOOL > to find what regimen will work best for your skin type

-Interested in seeing all of the products? 
Go to my website <HERE> and take a little look around. Check out the descriptions, ingredients and some before and afters!

-Want to become a Consultant and take advantage of killer savings and a bonus paycheck each month? 
Go to my business website <HERE> and get to know the company a little more!

email me at janderson01@myrandf.com if you have any questions!

Here is a little album to scroll through from some real results.


Thank you to the friends and family that have reached out in support! it means so much!
