baby a : 4 months

4 months!!!

This month flew by for us, I think mostly because I knew I was going back to work right after he turned 4 months.

This last month his personality has really shown through. He’s still pretty chill but when he gets excited, boy does he! That big gummy smile that I’ve been yearning for has also made its appearance and I DIE each and every time! With gummy smiles also came GIGGLES!!! They’re still breathy giggles but giggles nonetheless!

His head control is getting better and better with each day. He HATES tummy time, which means he’ll be a little late on the rolling front but that’s okay. The doctor said if anything he’ll roll from back to front first instead of the typical front to back. Since tummy time is a no go we keep him sitting up for most of the day which has contributed greatly to his head control. He sits in his bouncer and Bumbo really well!

Sleep…ohhhhh sleep. We hit a wall with his sleep and it’s been…fun. My big boy grew out of his bassinet so we decided to move the pack-n-play into our room to give him some more room. And since then he was waking up MULTIPLE times in the night. Finally my common sense kicked in and I thought…hmmm maybe it’s uncomfortable…DUH!!! It’s basically a thin sheet of cardboard! Uhhh I felt so stupid because once we put his Dock-A-Tot in the pack play he slept the ENTIRE night. Gahhh. IDIOT! I would’ve woke up screaming every two hours too if I felt like I was sleeping on concrete. Poor baby. Sooooo we are back to the good sleeps again! Woohoooo!!

Sister came back from Texas, after being gone since the end of June and this little dude is obsessed with her and her him! It’s so sweet to see them together. And since he can hold his head now she can pick him up on her own and carry him around. And yes he is more than half of her! I seriously don’t know how I made such a huge kid! He’s a little man baby! But anyway, anytime he sees her he smiles soooo big! It’s adorable!

We start solids in the next few days and WE ARE SO EXCITED!! I’m planning on making all of his food so any tips, tricks or suggestions are more than welcome! I have the all in one steamer/mixer so it should be relatively easy….right? Eek!

This next month will be the toughest for me as I am returning back to work full time. Womp womp womp! I really thought that I would be itching to get back to work but I’m not. I’m really not. I’m going to miss my time with my handsome boy. We are lucky in that he’s not going straight into day care. Cale’s mom, Farmor {Swedish for Father’s Mother} is coming up from Arizona to watch him for us until the beginning of September. That makes me a little less anxious but I’ll still be a mess…let’s be real!

Happy 4 months, sweet boy.

a blooper from his shoot anytime Elle is near him, whether it be big Elle or little Elle, HE EATS IT!! all the things in the mouth!

Here are pictures that I never got a chance to upload, or I did and I just want to show them again because they are so darn CUTE!!!

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