baby a : 3 months

3 months!

yes, you read that right. my sweet baby boy is 3 whole months! what a little ham right?? look at those cheeks…look at them!!

this month austin started holding his own head up {for the most part} if he gets really tired, he’ll just let that thing flop!
he found his hands. when jaz was a baby, i would always say that she was holding her baby bumblebee because she was always holding her hands together and stared at them. austin does the same thing now and i swoon! seeing what they do the same is so sweet!

austin took his vaccinations like a champ! barely even cried! and didn’t seem too fussy afterwards either. woohoooo. and a couple days later he finally got to go visit sissy at school for lunch!

he found his pitch in his voice too! not only does he coo but now he throws his voice which might be the cutest thing ever.

if we are friends on Facebook then you saw my post about having the most serious baby on the planet. and from the messages i got and online forums, it’s pretty indicative of the type of personality he will have. which comes as no surprise considering how chill his dad was/is. he really is the most content facing outward so he is able to observe everything.

oh oh and he is sleeping through the night! 9ish to 5-6ish!!
i’m going to give it a couple more weeks before i move him to his crib. just to make sure he doesn’t regress. fingers crossed for us!!

we have completely weened to 100% formula.
{it was a tough decision and one i’ll touch more on in a separate post dedicated to exactly that.}
and mannnn can this boy eat!! goodness gracious! that being said though, we are still spit up free! you have no idea how grateful i am that austin doesn’t ever smell pukey!

austin still loves his baths. if he won’t settle down for bedtime or is extra fussy then we will just pop him in a quick bath and more times than not it works!
he is obsessed with his oball. he loves that thing. probably because it’s the only thing he can grip and keep a hold of haha.
he loves his teepee! we got this as a gift from one of our showers and it is amazing! he goes crazy in it!

austin hates getting anything pulled over his head. shirt goes on, he gets scared and usually cries. shirt comes off, he gets scared and usually cries. blanket accidentally touches his face or hair…he gets scared and usually cries. so i usually try to distract him and move like a ninja to try to get it over as fast as i can.

it’s been such a fun month! i’m really excited about month 3 though because this is the beginning of the age where we will really start to see his personality come through. maybe his first giggle, i am dying to hear his laugh. and thennnn month 4 we can start foods!!! here’s to another amazing month!

here are a few of my favorite photos from the past month.

i may look mad as hell {RBF} but i love this! i love my babies!!

nap time on papa

sleepy smiles after an early morning feeding

we started story time before our afternoon nap now!

it doesn’t get much cuter than that

is it weird that i think he’s incredibly cute when he cries? poor baby

put your dukes up!

nap time on papa again! the freaking sweetest!

the sweetest boy in all the land!


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