our weekend adventures


IMG_5321 i launched our very first giveaway! i cannot express my excitement and gratitude on the amount of entries i have gotten! i’ve gotten about 25+ plus all the extras they did to enter additional ways. you guys are too awesome! good luck to each and every one of you!

don’t forget to enter our giveaway {here} you have until the end of this week. (April 3, 2015)

IMG_7842 friday’s ootd
skinnies // similar {here}
chambray button down // {here}
shoes // {here}


IMG_7843 saturday’s ootd
yes i was a repeat offender with the chambray but i have like 5 different chambray shirts so technically, it’s different.
pants // {here} love this boutique and it’s super fast shipping!
booties // similar {here}

IMG_7848 what’s a weekend without a stop at target? we saw the cutest puppies! they had little hair ties in their hair and i about died.

IMG_7852 ugh… i tell cale over and over don’t schedule an oil change on a weekend you work…i always get suckered into getting the most expensive checkup and i just nod like i know what they are talking about. grrrr when they told me that it was going to take TWO HOURS to change my oil, i kindly asked for a rental. let’s just say that i felt like a spoiled brat because i couldn’t even back up without my backup camera. {eye roll} first world problems right? slap me.

IMG_7854 after the two hours were up, guess what jaz & i had to do? oh yeah…wait some more… i was so irritated at the end of the day that i went home and took a nap which i never do!

IMG_7857 we got invited to celebrate one of our dear friend’s birthday at an indian restaurant and this little love bug was there! miss neva diva lives in couer d’alene, idaho so we don’t get to see her and her parents very often so this was such a treat!
happy birthday, tyler!


IMG_7866unfortunately, sunday starts off at night for you guys. cale & i woke up at 7:30 thanks to our damn cats, i facetimed by “person” and then, honestly, fell back to sleep until 1 pm. {gasp} i never do that! so sunday chores got off to a late start.

then we went to dinner at our favorite mexican restaurant, i didn’t order my normal thing, WHAT A HUGE MISTAKE. always order your favorite…always.

so this was basically my night. blogging, tallying up contestants for the giveaway {!!!} and watching 19 kids and counting.

IMG_7865 here’s a peace offering for my boring weekend. my kid and my incredibly long kitty cat. we got so lucky with lulu for how tolerable she is with jazmina. chandler, on the other hand, is not. whoops.

i am going to apologize in advance if my “our weekend adventures” for this coming weekend is late. i’m going to texas, y’all!!!! i am so so excited. i’m excited to see my friends and family, i’m excited to meet with new vendors but i am ECSTATIC to see and try on my dress for the first time! when i tried her on at the boutique, she was a completely different color than what i ordered, so it’ll be like a completely different dress! ahhhhhhhhhhh!!

please tell me what you did this weekend to take my mind off having to get on a plane wednesday. i’m such a baby


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